What does good support look like for lived experience involvement?

The GMHAN Learning Group launched their new ‘learning cycle’ on Tuesday 18th April, with an online Open Space, open to GMHAN partners. This workshop was developed and facilitated as a collaboration between the Learning Group and the GM Jokers, aiming to explore how we could bring action learning to life, and do meetings differently!
The focus of this new learning cycle is to explore the question ‘What does good support look like for lived experience involvement and coproduction?’ The aim is to create space for honest reflection on how the sector does co-production, and to think about the needs and wants of people who are involved and asked to bring their own personal stories and experiences into system design work.
In the session we focused on the feelings and emotions arising from coproduction, using verbal and non-verbal responses to capture participant feedback. The learning has then been developing into poems, rather than meeting minutes, to enable people to engage with the learning outcomes differently. You can read these poems here, and they will be used as tools to explore our questions further
Over the next 3 months, the learning group will be looking to hold a wide variety of learning events, in different localities, at different times and with different approaches, to change the way we deliver meetings, to improve accessibility of events and outcomes.
If you would like to get involved with the Learning group, you can:
1. Write your own poem about lived experience involvement and submit it to us
2. Come to one of our future learning events, participate and share your experiences
3. Join the learning group by emailing info@gmhan.net and express your interest to get involved
4. Share our learning with others and encourage others to join our learning project