What is the GMHAN?
The Greater Manchester Homeless Action Network (GMHAN) is a network for everyone working to end homelessness in all 10 boroughs of Greater Manchester. The Network brings together all the different sectors and specialisms involved in this ambition, so we can work together towards a common cause.
We do this through large scale events every 3 months aimed at co-designing Greater Manchester’s homelessness policy and showcasing best practice. We have three task groups which work on topics raised in between events and promote the Network’s voice on the GM Homelessness Programme Board (which is where decisions are made).
The Network is cross sector, including representatives from all ten Greater Manchester boroughs. Most importantly, it operated on the basis of ‘community development’ and co-production*, bringing people together to work side by side rather than alone or in hierarchies.
Information flows from the Network events through the Task Groups to the Programme Board and operational teams delivering services or interventions. It also comes back the other way in a continual feedback loop.
What are we working?
The GMHAN sets its strategic priorities once a year at the beginning of the year. The priorities are set at the full Network Events, working alongside the Greater Manchester Combined Authority to align with the political priorities and programme.
This year we have restructured to ensure that the work the network is doing is reflective of what is happening across Greater Manchester. We have established three task groups which will drive the strategic priorities in the future. Our priority this year is embedding this new structure and supporting the groups to get off the ground
What is the Structure?
Task Groups
The GMHAN task groups on the driving force behind the network. They focus on Learning, Lobbying & Delivery. They are made up of people across the sector who have knowlegde and experience across homelessness and interconnected issues within Greater Manchester.
Members include anyone interested in taking a more active role in the organisation of the GMHAN and in strengthening a community development approach to ending homelessness.
Coordination Group
The task groups are supported by a coordination group. This is a smaller group which has representatives from each sector, whose roles mean they are in a position to advocate and advise the task groups. Whilst also dealing with any immediate issues which arise.

Who is involved?
The Network is anyone who wants to end homelessness. So far, this has included people from Greater Manchester’s voluntary and community sector, housing providers, people who have been or are homeless, universities, health, faith communities, local and regional government, cultural spaces, researchers, activists and politicians. And more.
We are constantly working to develop the network and its members so this is not a finite list, if you would like to be involved in the network, either by attending events or in the Advisory Board, contact us on info@gmhan.net.
We want the network to be representative of everyone and so we are currently looking for people who represent the following areas or knowledge:
- Wigan & Leigh
- Salford
- Trafford
- Stockport
- Criminal Justice
- Private Rental Sector