We want to hear your opinions

Last year Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) coproduced the first ever GM Homelessness Prevention Strategy.
To do this they worked with the Greater Manchester Homelessness Action Network (GMHAN) and GM Jokers to deliver legislative theatre sessions and and consultation sessions, which put the voice of lived experience at the center of how this strategy was developed.
We want to hear from you about how you think it is being delivered across Greater Manchester.
We need your views to help us understand whether we’re still working on the right things and prioritising the right actionse
To share your thoughts you can fill in this Survey by Friday November 11th. Or you can come along to an Open Space on Tuesday 8th November 2pm-3pm and speak to GMCA directly.
You can also read the full Prevention Strategy here or the Action plan, which sets out the actions being taken to deliver the strategy, is available to read here