Prevention Strategy and Action Plan for Greater Manchester shared

The Network is pleased to share the confirmed Homelessness Prevention Strategy for the city region. Thank you to everyone who contributed, from the original Legislative Theatre workshops that kicked off the process, through the full HAN Network events, thematic consultations and individual contributions along the way. The final Strategy is a reflection of the multiple perspectives on homelessness which have helped co-produce it, and we believe is stronger for it.
Alongside the strategy setting out how we as a region think homelessness can be prevented, an Action Plan has been set out identifying what is needed to deliver it. As well as sharing this draft with you as a Network member, this is currently with the Wider Leadership Team of Greater Manchester Councils so they can have sight of what is going into it.
The Action Plan will be reviewed every 6 months to keep attention on how things are developing and what might be the next priority to address. The Network will continue to play a vital role in how this Action Plan develops, alongside Councils and people with lived experience of homelessness through direct feedback loops to Greater Manchester’s leaders.
You can read the Strategy and accompanying documents here:
GM Homelessness Prevention Strategy
Action Plan
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the development of the strategy, and will contribute to making it a reality. Continued input is extremely welcome if there is something you think you can help make happen, want to see more of, or disagree with.