Home From Hospital: Homelessness Discharge Pilot

On 1st March the GMHAN hosted an ‘Open Space’ with 10GM to to explore hospital discharge in Greater Manchester and bring together ideas to make use of a pot of funding aimed at improving outcome for people facing homelessness at the point of hospital discharge.
Following on from this, we came together in a smaller working group, which reviewed the notes and the common ideas which seemed to be emerging. A project was proposed to test a new intervention aimed at improving hospital discharge experiences for people who face homelessness
This project will aim to set up;
- A rights-based, Link Worker style model in one hospital site in Greater Manchester which can a) make an earlier connection with people who might be facing homelessness, b) link them into available support and c) help them navigate their journey from that point on to achieve the best outcome for them.
- Knowledge and relationship-building between professionals working across health and homelessness services, with the desired outcomes of people speaking more of the same language and understanding each other’s needs better.
- Develop learning-based materials which can be used in other sites and inform a longer-term response to homelessness within hospital settings
Find out more about applying for this opportunity, or to express your interest in developing and delivery the project then complete this online form by 10am Wednesday 10th May[](https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=UHNx2qWcNEi9h_YGiHvOHQCUwqEDkYRLv1SjH9JYE1tUQTJJNEc3NUtWV0pRN0Q5TFRVOEpHUDYwOS4u)